Are You a Patriot or a Nationalist?
Here’s an article by Joe Sobran on what the difference is.
Here’s an article by Joe Sobran on what the difference is.
Here is an article on the subject of submission to the state, etc…that comes from a little different perspective. I enjoyed reading it, I hope you do too.
oops…I mean, of course, the War on Terror. Silly me, to think that a war waged against terror could be terror itself. This politically incorrect man seems to think so, here at Enough with the sarcasm. The article I linked to above goes very well with my book which will be coming out early next year. It was going to be a short story anthology and now I’m not quite sure. I’m beginning to hope that it might actually turn out to be a novel. Novels are so much more impressive, don’t you know? I can call myself an…
I have been thinking about the issue of outsourcing, foreign labor, etc…and I don’t understand what the big deal is. Borders between countries are political, purely political and nothing more. Borders are irrelevant to our economy. The world is one huge “latticework” as Rothbard said, and it doesn’t matter if one place is called “China” and another “America.” It is all about division of labor and allocating our scarce resources, time, and labor to the most valued ends. I’m going to employ some reductio ad absurdum now… Here is what we often here people say: By buying things from other…
Here’s an article a friend sent me on Jefferson, as I seemed to be on a “Jefferson kick.” I haven’t read it all yet so I can’t state my opinion, but you should check it out.
Right now I’m fascinated with the ideas and life of Jefferson, partly inspired by what I think was a most accurate portrayal of him in the HBO series “John Adams.” Since everything on Wikipedia can be infallibly trusted (*sarcasm*) here is their write-up on Jefferson. Since we’ve been indoctrinated with the politically correct story, here is the real account of Jefferson and his beliefs by Albert Jay Nock. I suspect he took great pleasure in discovering all the dirty secrets about all the people we have always admired. I just hope he doesn’t do that to Jefferson. Since the only…
This video is pretty funny. I’m not real crazy about the modern twist, but the beginning is just stunning.
I’ve spent nearly every evening this week watching the HBO series on John Adams. It has all been very fascinating. I have the impression that overall, it is extremely accurate. Their John Adams actor (Paul Giamatti) even looks like the pictures we have of John Adams. By the end of the movie his teeth are black and rotting. I don’t know if John Adams really had this dental problem, but I assume that if he hadn’t, they would not have made their actor look unattractive. He and most of the main players look very realistic. HBO probably didn’t intend this,…
Giving a speech in a couple weeks in Dublin, trying to think of a topic along the lines of “Vigilance and Freedom: Past, Present and Future.” That title seems to have a lot of potential. I will have enough time (around 45 minutes) to maybe going into detail on times when Americans weren’t vigilant (can anyone say, “Federal Reserve”?) and times when they were, such as Jefferson protesting the Alien and Sedition Acts. I’m looking for suggestions or ideas as well. P.S. Dublin Georgia…not the famous Dublin. Sorry…didn’t want to mislead you there, but it does sound very impressive if I…
This is a question I’ve been asking myself lately. I’ve done a lot of thinking, not to mention praying, on this subject. Here are some thoughts… Consider this hypothetical situation: 1) There is a tyrannical despot ruling over a country. 2) God “raptures” all believers (no, I don’t believe in “the rapture”…but it is useful for this imaginary situation). 3) Unbelievers rebel against the government and slowly anarchy emerges. Private road systems form. People begin offering their services…post offices, crime protection, etc… 4) God brings Christians back to the world and sets them in this anarchic society. In this situation,…