The Lesser of Two Evils

The Republican National Convention has been nothing short of a complete overthrow of any pretensions of justice, as Dana Milbank of the Washington Post explains. “The Romney campaign had taken pains to stifle the Paul rebellion, by denying him a speaking role, expediting the roll call, changing party rules and even unseating Paul delegates from Maine.” I haven’t even bothered to follow the events because it sickens me to think of the utter lack of principles, the blatant disregard for integrity, and the deep animosity against the libertarian movement. And regardless of the Republican Party, the presidential and vice-presidential candidates have…

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Coming Soon: Path of Grass

While progress was slightly delayed, I’m on track to get Path of Grass published in the next month or two. Actually, it might be more like two or three months, just because I have to be patient and wait for other people who can’t devote every waking moment to preparing my book for publication. Why is this exciting and why should you be excited about Path of Grass? As a friend of mine at a recent Mises Circle said, we’re not going to achieve more liberty by voting for “better” rulers. Look at the “freedom loving” Tea Party candidates who…

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Bush: The Greater Threat to Liberty

Note: This statement is made in relation to the former president and the current President Obama. There are some who have come before and some who will probably come after who are greater threats to our liberty. Last night after walking out on the Nightly News (I figured I’d be kicked out of the room anyways…for my adamant yelling at the TV screen) I made the extraordinary statement that Bush was a far worse president than President Obama. After reflection I realize that it wasn’t all that extraordinary, but it sounds better that way, doesn’t it? So I had to…

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Why? Because the Republicans have won, of course! Okay, I’m just being sarcastic. But a lot of people aren’t sarcastic when they proudly extol the Republican victories. Ugh. As someone over at noted, that just means more war and more spending. I’m glad I spent my November 2nd in a more productive way. I finished up the first lecture for my online class. It was a little tricky, a lot of reading for me and more running around the internet than usual. I’ve lectured on much of this before, so it is familiar. The first lecture, however, is about…

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Voting Day!

It is very interesting to have such a wide range of friends on Facebook, with very different political philosophies when it comes to voting. There are the people who say, “This is the day we will reclaim America and gain our freedom again.” There are those who say, “I’m going to vote Libertarian and show those lame two parties that they have utterly failed.” And then there are some (but not as many) who say, “I refuse to vote for a system of coercion and legal theft. I will not give into their system by voting for a new master.”…

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Speech Topic?

Giving a speech in a couple weeks in Dublin, trying to think of a topic along the lines of “Vigilance and Freedom: Past, Present and Future.” That title seems to have a lot of potential. I will have enough time (around 45 minutes) to maybe going into detail on times when Americans weren’t vigilant (can anyone say, “Federal Reserve”?) and times when they were, such as Jefferson protesting the Alien and Sedition Acts. I’m looking for suggestions or ideas as well. P.S. Dublin Georgia…not the famous Dublin. Sorry…didn’t want to mislead you there, but it does sound very impressive if I…

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Things are looking good

I must say, despite some criticism of the national Tea Party movement, my local tea party really does have guts. They’re willing to take anything. Like the child of the “olden” days who willingly swallowed the bitter spoon of medicine. They know there is room for improvement and they’re game for it. And while they are still willing to see their defects and try to fix it, there is hope for the Tea Party movement.

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Upcoming Mises Circle

Tonight is our monthly Mises Circle in Rockford. What is it? We get together at a local cafe to discuss political philosophy (the age old debate between minarchism and anarchism generally dominates that realm), economics, politics, or whatever we’re interested in. We’ve been doing it only since May, but I can’t imagine life without it. I look forward to our monthly debates, I had a blast down at Mises U looking for literature and books that our Mises Circle would like. I think it is a success because we keep it very informal and fun. I don’t spend two hours…

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Are Tea Parties Christian?

I’m not sure, here’s an article on it. It is interesting though, because the Tea Party tries to be Christian. They espouse Christian values, pray at the beginning of meetings, etc…and sometimes this makes me wonder. I feel like perhaps they are connecting Christianity with politics too much, like they are the new Israelites or something. On the contrary, at our Mises Circle meetings, I don’t try to make it “Christian only” or anything like that, but curiously, we’ve ended up with attendees who have very similar religious views. I don’t know if that has any significance, just an interesting thought.

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