More Exclusive Information!

Earlier this week I gave you some exclusive information…and I’m here to give you more details. Here’s the Facebook event, if you are unfortunate enough to have a FB account. And here’s all the info you need: Seminar on Government Fiscal Responsibility (or lack thereof) September 3 · 9:00am – 12:00pm 916. S. Wabash, Chicago, IL The root of many of the problems facing America today can be traced to how fiscally responsible government is. This includes the weakening of the US dollar and the massive debt taken on by all levels of government. Little scrutiny is given to the…

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Generation Handout

I’m getting really frustrated by this prevalent attitude of, “oh, poor me…I got struck by this natural/economic disaster and now I need the president to give me everything I need.” In my own humble county, we had FEMA come in to assess the damage from recent flooding so the governor could decide if he could write to the president and ask for money to repair it. Come on people! Straighten up. We’re talking about the foundation of a bridge crumbling, and we have a spokesperson from FEMA saying, “yeah, so, uh, we found that there’s quite a bit of damage…

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Blago: Friend or Foe?

The trial, as you probably know, concluded yesterday (I guess? At least the jury did their thing…I’m not sure what else they do in this byzantine court system) with Blago being declared innocent of all but one of the 20+ charges. So…what is my opinion of Blago? Well, it is very complicated, but let me start with this point. 1) Blago has disgraced our fair state with his shenanigans and ought to be sent to prison for 50 years. Actually, our state isn’t that fair (in either sense, being neither just nor pleasing in appearance) and hasn’t been since the…

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Exclusive Information!

Okay…so the title was just a gimmick, my info isn’t really exclusive, but pretty nearly. That’s why I’m here to share it. I want it to become common knowledge to all people in all places. Pretty big job, eh? At any rate…my exclusive information has three parts: 1) The Fed is a racket, a scam of massive proportions 2) Most Americans are unaware of this. 3) Therefore, a group of dedicated (and aware) citizens are trying to spread the knowledge about this scam. They are holding a rally in downtown Chicago on September 3rd. Let me tell you, as I…

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How Kids Used to Grow Up

Fred Reed remembers the good old days when kids grew up unregulated and naturally, without drugs to sedate them, without friends committing suicide or going bizerk with a gun at school. Read the article here.

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A New Day

One of my favorite songs is from the musical, Les Miserables, it goes something like this: Tomorrow we’ll discover What our God in Heaven has in store! One more dawn One more day One day more! So on this new day, this Monday, can we put behind us the problems of last week? Let’s leave those things alone and not keep harping on the same issue. What issue do you mean? you might innocently ask me. Frankly, I’m sick to death of the New York Mosque story. I don’t want to hear anything more about it.  Here’s how I stand…

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Gold and Deflation

A question that often comes up in discussing financial preparing is, “what happens to our gold if we get deflation?” The author of this article argues that gold is your best bet, deflation or inflation.

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Upcoming Mises Circle

Tonight is our monthly Mises Circle in Rockford. What is it? We get together at a local cafe to discuss political philosophy (the age old debate between minarchism and anarchism generally dominates that realm), economics, politics, or whatever we’re interested in. We’ve been doing it only since May, but I can’t imagine life without it. I look forward to our monthly debates, I had a blast down at Mises U looking for literature and books that our Mises Circle would like. I think it is a success because we keep it very informal and fun. I don’t spend two hours…

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