Can a Christian Be an Anarchist?

This is a question I’ve been asking myself lately. I’ve done a lot of thinking, not to mention praying, on this subject. Here are some thoughts… Consider this hypothetical situation: 1) There is a tyrannical despot ruling over a country. 2) God “raptures” all believers (no, I don’t believe in “the rapture”…but it is useful for this imaginary situation). 3) Unbelievers rebel against the government and slowly anarchy emerges. Private road systems form. People begin offering their services…post offices, crime protection, etc… 4) God brings Christians back to the world and sets them in this anarchic society. In this situation,…

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Report on the Economic Workshop

My initial reaction to the whole day: Wow. I’m tired. Not sleeping well the night before certainly doesn’t help. I made more mistakes today than usual, “why does a value have good? Oh, oops…I mean, why does a good have value?” but I couldn’t really help that. I don’t know about everyone else, but I certainly had fun. That was a great day! It was more enjoyable than having to cram as much as I could into 30 minutes or something like that, as when I speak at other events. I actually stayed on-time and we had plenty of time…

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Wow. Read This

For some reason I didn’t sleep last night. I suspect it might be some new tea I drank that might have caffeine in it. At any rate, I stumbled out of bed this morning to check my email and all…when I came to this incredible article posted on Facebook by a friend. The Nobel Peace Prize just went to Liu Xiaobo of China. After their selection last year, I have absolutely no respect for the Nobel Prize committee. I didn’t hear much about this man, Liu Xiaobo, and didn’t think anymore about it until this morning. This is his final statement, I…

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No News, Really

Perhaps it is too early in the morning…I just can’t seem to find something to write about. My mind is very focused (okay, no, I’m never very focused, how can one be on a Mac? But I’m trying pretty hard to stay concentrated) on the Economic Workshop on Saturday. Thanks to a generous friend, Jeremy Davis of Houston, I’ve been able to buy a large grease-board, markers, etc…and also I splurged and bought my own color ink cartridge. You don’t know how ridiculous this is. There is no one in Winnebago who prints color anymore. No one. Not the library. Not…

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Wednesday Report

Sadly, there isn’t much to report…last night while playing piano I thought of some really good topic to discuss here, but of course I didn’t write it down, so I can’t remember now. Here are some odds and ends. Yesterday the girls and I had a history class. It is usually on Wednesdays, but they were begging me to do it a day early. We were talking about the writing of the Constitution. I’m eager to buy Hans Hoppe’s book, “Democracy: The God That Failed.” I don’t think the girls quite understand the fundamental shift that occurred when the Articles…

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“Defending the Faith”

Knowing my interest in politics, the role of the Christian in the world, etc…my pastor loaned me a book called “Defending the Faith: J. Gresham Machen and the Crisis of Conservative Protestantism in Modern America” by D.G. Hart. I’m still on the first chapter but am greatly enjoying it. Machen seemed to be the type of Christian who would not compromise on his beliefs even with the onslaught of liberalism but yet he was so “fundamentalist” that he could not enjoy and appreciate the more secular things of this world. While he had a very high moral standard, he saw…

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Today: Very Happy Day

Today was another day in which I received a package in the mail from a place I’m very familiar with. 🙂 Next to my desk… There is a rather large box full of fliers and books donated by the Mises Institute, specifically the book by Mises, “The Place of Economics in Learning” and the flier, “Why Austrian Economics Matters.” This came in the mail today. There’s a box next to it full of copies of “Pictures of a Socialistic Future”…donated by a friend for my workshop. And behind that and spilling over the bottom shelf of my books are hundreds…

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The Free Market: Amazing

So last week I listened to a great deal of BBC radio music. I had forgotten but the reason I went with BBC over local stations was because iTunes wasn’t working and so it was very difficult to get the local stations to play on my computer. BBC has a built-in player that does all the work for you. Then yesterday I went to play an online Christian station that I listen to on Sundays, but they must have changed something because I could no longer listen to it through the website. I had to do it through iTunes…but of…

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“What If?”

This is one of my favorite videos ever. I hope we never forget the truths that Ron Paul points out. It is a matter of life and death. Perhaps not for us, but for other innocent human beings.

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A Little Bit of This and That

Thanks to the Mises Institute, I ran across this fascinating website and wanted to share it. The “Seasteading Institute” is working to build communities on the ocean outside the realm of any government or country. Their logic is, since governments have claimed all the land, we must turn to the sea for freedom. It is really interesting. I’d love to try it someday. In fact, I’m tempted to sign up to be one of those 150 individuals in 5 years to try it out. I can’t express how exciting this is to me. Who would have dreamed 100 years ago…

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