The False Front of Voting
A spectacular post by Jeffery Tucker on the reality of voting. A must-read, in my opinion. Wish I read it Tuesday morning instead of finding it that night.
A spectacular post by Jeffery Tucker on the reality of voting. A must-read, in my opinion. Wish I read it Tuesday morning instead of finding it that night.
Why? Because the Republicans have won, of course! Okay, I’m just being sarcastic. But a lot of people aren’t sarcastic when they proudly extol the Republican victories. Ugh. As someone over at noted, that just means more war and more spending. I’m glad I spent my November 2nd in a more productive way. I finished up the first lecture for my online class. It was a little tricky, a lot of reading for me and more running around the internet than usual. I’ve lectured on much of this before, so it is familiar. The first lecture, however, is about…
It is very interesting to have such a wide range of friends on Facebook, with very different political philosophies when it comes to voting. There are the people who say, “This is the day we will reclaim America and gain our freedom again.” There are those who say, “I’m going to vote Libertarian and show those lame two parties that they have utterly failed.” And then there are some (but not as many) who say, “I refuse to vote for a system of coercion and legal theft. I will not give into their system by voting for a new master.”…
…a great read by Lew Rockwell, posted at
Then click here. Bob Murphy came with a great way to persuade Krugman…join the campaign!
Here’s an article explaining why it doesn’t really matter who “wins” in the upcoming elections. Note: There’s nothing wrong with voting in the elections, just don’t expect it to do much good.
Arrived at the Mises Institute this afternoon, gave my family a tour, played the Bosendorfer a little, introduced my father to Lew Rockwell, and had dinner and a wonderful visit with my great friend, Floy Lilley. I’m now in the “Rothbard Village” directly behind the Institute, in what is called the “French Quarters.” Be jealous. Especially since I get to visit the bookstore tomorrow morning and add to my growing library of political, economic and philosophical books.
Here’s an article by Joe Sobran on what the difference is.
They have an exciting line-up of classes available for next semester…check it out! I have my eye on the Fed one by Bob Murphy and David Gordon’s class on logic. And they’ve reduced the cost by 40%! I hope to see you in one of these classes soon.
Here is an article on the subject of submission to the state, etc…that comes from a little different perspective. I enjoyed reading it, I hope you do too.