Lincoln: The Capitalist?

Note: Austrian economists distinguish between two types of capitalists, those who make money because they provide products that consumers want, and those who make money because they have connections in government and enjoy subsidies while their competitors are crippled. Also, there is a great controversy raging right now as to whether free market people should use the term capitalism or capitalist. I chose to use Capitalist for purely literary reasons. It would be awkward to say, “Lincoln: The Free Marketeer” or something like that. So there’s no great significance about my choice of words. So, I hope you are not…

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Review of “For Liberty” on WPT

I was able to watch the interview on Wisconsin Public Television’s Director’s Cut with the Directors/Producers (Chris Rye & Corey Kealiher) of the film, “For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty,” which gave me a closer view into what motivated these men put this movie together. What drew them to Ron Paul? His anti-war position and strict constitutional beliefs poignantly set him apart from the rest of the Republican Party. His common sense ideas are a stark contrast to the warmongering of the other candidates, like this quote, “They come over here and attack…

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Notes from the “For Liberty” Interview

This is totally off the top of my head, as I was watching the interview on WPT. So it is a little random, sorry. The directors/producers point out that they were drawn to Ron Paul because of his foreign policy. He was cut out of the Republican Party because of his strict Constitutional non-interventionist position. Ron Paul: (not an exact quote, but approximate) “We have to look at it from the position of how would we feel if they did it to us?” “It is just the message of liberty. It brings people together from all sides of the spectrum.”…

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For Liberty: Ron Paul Presidential Campaign Documentary on Public TV

Thanks to this, I got a heads-up about this film being aired on Wisconsin Public Television tomorrow night. Although we don’t live in Wisconsin, we’re close enough that we get WPT anyways. I usually watch their “Sherlock Holmes” episodes on Thursday nights, but tomorrow night, I won’t turn it off at 9pm, but will stay up and watch “For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty.” I’ve been very excited about seeing this, but didn’t have the money to buy it…now, thanks to our wonderful government (isn’t that ironic?) I can watch it for free!…

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