Report on the Townhall

And that reminds me that I need to take down the button advertising it. But I’ll write my blog post first. The Tea Party Townhall on Saturday, September 25th. It was an interesting day. One of the best parts? Discovering there is an Austrian economist teaching at ISU, Bloomington. I couldn’t see that he was an adjunct scholar for the Mises Institute, so I was rather skeptical. Very skeptical. I was even expecting perhaps a Milton Friedmanite monetarist. Hey, one never knows quite what to expect. Come to find out, he’s an Austrian. He had an amazing presentation on the history…

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Resisting Stereotypes

My facebook status last night read: “Savannah Liston had the distinct pleasure of agreeing with a Democrat on one issue tonight: the anti-life implications of wars fought over oil fields…” This Democratic candidate attending a Tea Party event last night. My impression of her? She was not sure of herself. Someone once said about Ron Paul, “he is a good man, he is at peace with himself and with God.” I could not say the same for this candidate. I don’t think she was truly convinced of what she believes and so she is overly aggressive in defending herself. She…

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Things are looking good

I must say, despite some criticism of the national Tea Party movement, my local tea party really does have guts. They’re willing to take anything. Like the child of the “olden” days who willingly swallowed the bitter spoon of medicine. They know there is room for improvement and they’re game for it. And while they are still willing to see their defects and try to fix it, there is hope for the Tea Party movement.

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Thoughts on the “Pledge to America”

I was going to write a whole long blog post ranting about the “Pledge to America.” I decided not to bother. I wrote it, but didn’t publish it. I write things just to feel better, it doesn’t really matter if other people read it or not. But I thought I would take this opportunity to instead point you to some very good articles: The Bush Betrayal And  The Reagan “Revolution” The point of me posting these articles is that I hope they serve as a reminder to all of us. Deep down inside we want to be hopeful. We want…

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So What Is Going On?

You may have noticed the new buttons (graphics, not little round things on your clothes) on the right side of my site. While I know graphic artists who would do far better at this than I ever could, I don’t like to intrude on them all the time, so I’m slowly figuring out how to do it myself. You might be looking at all of that and thinking, “how does she find time to sleep!?” which is a correct question to ask as I am extremely busy. If you recall, I’m also doing two private classes for my special students…

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Happy Constitution Day!

I found it interesting that on one calendar, today was called, “Citizenship Day”…I suppose because the government would rather us celebrate our duties to them rather than the limits on their power. But in all honesty, what limit does the Constitution put on the national government? In teaching American History, we are studying the American Revolution and I’m preparing for the next class which will be on the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. I’ve found some very interesting information, some of which was familiar, some totally new. Such as the fact that the Constitution was drafted in total secrecy….

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An Abolition of Overtime Taxes is Overdue, Part 2

The reason I say none at all instead of merely a lower rate on overtime earnings is that a man can get by on 40 hours, (as is implied by the setting up and periodical increases in the minimum wage laws) and that it is only in pursuit of bettering oneself and his family, in pursuit of the American Dream that a man will work more than 40 hours. Thus if a man can sustain himself on 40 hours a week, it should follow that the government will also be able to sustain itself on the revenue it expropriates from…

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An Abolition of Overtime Taxes is Overdue, Part 1

* Lest you think I am abandoning my site to other writers, this week happens to be extremely busy, between teaching, school and doing a garage sale, so I hope to get back to writing every day, but in the meantime you can read these interesting posts by a friend. I can not write on this matter without including the preface that I am opposed to all taxation in general, and the income tax in particular. That the government, to say nothing of the centralized federal government has anything to do whatsoever in regards to the transactions and trades of…

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What the Tea Party Needs to Hear, Part 2

And now we are left with three topics that, were it not for Lincoln, we might not have to discuss, taxation, the military, and the federal reserve. If prostitution is the oldest profession known to the world, taxation is without a doubt the second oldest. Taxation is the extortion of money through the threat, or actual use of violence. when it is done by a gang, or by a common criminal, it is known as theft, or extortion, but when it is done by the most powerful gang in the land, and the strongest criminals it is called taxation. Go….

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