Who’s Really Conservative?

Published earlier this year at Northern Illinois Liberty The political world, or at least the right (as in right vs. left, not right vs. wrong) part of the political spectrum is all abuzz with news about the “Mt. Vernon Statement.” I guess it doesn’t occur to some people that even non-politicians don’t always do as they say, and simply signing a “statement” is not going to change anything. But, that’s not what I meant to say…I intended to point out some anomalies in the Mt. Vernon Statement. I found out about this from Fox News, not always a libertarian’s best friend…

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My Journey

It was a little over a year ago when I decided to join the Campaign for Liberty. I had been inspired by Ron Paul’s presidential campaign, and with the rise of the Tea Parties, I realized I wanted to be more involved and active in that movement. It was a big step for me, but I fell into it naturally. I quickly found out that I have good leadership skills, perhaps because I can practice so much on my siblings, but at any rate, I enjoyed working in the Campaign for Liberty. At the time when I joined, I would…

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