Report on Transform Rockford Vision Rally 2014

Last night was the much-anticipated Transform Rockford Vision Rally, held at the Coronado PAC. From the reports I saw online, the event drew over 1,400 attendees.  To recap what has been going on, Transform  Rockford has a 6 step process for changing the greater Rockford area. The stages are: 1) Analysis and case for change: Alignment on why 2) Develop the vision: Articulate our future 3) Define the strategy: Show the path to our vision   4) Develop the implementation plan: Assignment of work 5) Implement Initiatives & Measure: Achieve our vision 6) Review and Update: Update to Reflect Process/Change…

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A Girl and Her Chai Tea Latte

In the hopes of increasing my productivity, I decided to spend the afternoon at a local café. By the time I got there, it was the middle of lunch rush. I stood in line hoping that there’d be a open table in a quiet corner—preferably with an outlet nearby. Since I’d had plenty of coffee already, I ordered a chai tea latte. After ordering and getting a number for my table, I went in search of a table. I found a good table, sat down, put in my earbuds, and began my afternoon reading. A few minutes passed and I…

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Book Blogging: The Case Against the Fed

In the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about what to do with my site. It has undergone a lot of transformations over the years. My site is a reflection of me, and like I’ve changed and evolved from my young high school self, this site has developed too. To reflect my reading projects and enjoyment of writing as a way to process what I learn, I am going to start doing something new, what I’m calling, “book blogging.” Up till now I’ve tried to write about books only after I read them completely through. But now I am going…

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Midwesterners Under the Eastern Sun

Three years ago one of my friends persuaded a group of us “young adults” to go with her to a Young Adults’ Retreat in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. It was a 12 hour drive for a 2 day conference, but it was definitely worth the drive! We heard excellent preaching and were able to fellowship with other young Christians. In the past couple years we’ve recruited 7 people to go on this trip, but due to the timing this year (not being on Memorial Day), there were only 3 of us. However…since I had purchased my first smartphone a few days previously, I…

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A Week in Houston

I am officially one week into my vacation! A brief recap of my adventures thus far: Reading Economic Science and the Austrian Method, American Gods, and I Capture the Castle Watching the second American Sherlock Holmes, She’s the Man, and half of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries  Making good progress on my summer tan and almost getting burned Experiencing the craziness of Houston traffic Spending time at the pool and the beach Eating some delicious fish tacos while overlooking the Gulf Learning about pirates at the Moody Gardens Trying to make sense of what’s going as “art” at the Houston Contemporary Art Museum Walking about 3 miles in…

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Chilling in Houston

I made it to Houston on Saturday with surprising smoothness. My last travel escapade involved staying overnight at the Houston airport, so this trip was a very pleasant contrast! I spent most of my time on the bus and plane alternating between  American Gods by Neil Gaiman and some books for Mises U this summer. I completed Liberty and Property by Mises and Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard. Also made it about half-way through Economic Science and the Austrian Method by Hoppe. He’s so incredibly good! I just love reading that book! The part where he demonstrates that logical positivism is self-refuting is like watching the…

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Top Fav Bands, #3: Bastille (Post 3)

I’ve gotten behind with doing my favorite music videos…sorry about that! I am leaving tomorrow to visit a friend in Houston for a few weeks. Besides a bit of work and a few other projects, this is mostly going to be a relaxing/fun vacation. That mostly means hanging out at the beach and doing a lot of reading, which I am really looking forward to! I may fit in some blogging too…but we’ll have to see. I will try to keep up with doing some music videos and some other random things. Considering that Bastille ranks so highly for me,…

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I Dwell in Possibility

I dwell in Possibility – A fairer House than Prose – More numerous of Windows – Superior – for Doors –   Of Chambers as the Cedars – Impregnable of eye – And for an everlasting Roof The Gambrels of the Sky –   Of Visitors – the fairest – For Occupation – This – The spreading wide my narrow Hands To gather Paradise –   – Emily Dickinson  

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