Path of Grass Excerpt

“Nikolaus, please don’t leave—don’t go away now,” Margaret cried, wrapping her arms around him. “Margie, it is for our country, it is for Germany, it is for the Fatherland. Otherwise, they will come and take our land. They will take away everything we know.” “But I want you with me; I will be left alone,” she pleaded. “Kneel down,” he said. “Feel this,” he put his hands on the earth. “This is our land, this is ours.  If we let the British and the Russians and the Americans win, this will be gone. Be brave, Margie, for our country, for…

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Coming Soon: Path of Grass

While progress was slightly delayed, I’m on track to get Path of Grass published in the next month or two. Actually, it might be more like two or three months, just because I have to be patient and wait for other people who can’t devote every waking moment to preparing my book for publication. Why is this exciting and why should you be excited about Path of Grass? As a friend of mine at a recent Mises Circle said, we’re not going to achieve more liberty by voting for “better” rulers. Look at the “freedom loving” Tea Party candidates who…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 9

It was a spring day—Margie took a basket of wet clothes out on the porch and gulped in the warmth and freshness of the air. The only thing troubling her in this fine weather was that she had not received a letter from Lee in quite some time. But she heard about all the great Allied victories across Germany, and was somewhat relieved, thinking that he was probably too busy ending the war to write letters—and he would be coming home soon anyways. She walked out to the front yard where the clothesline hung, and started pinning garments to the…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 8

Dear Margie, I know I will be home soon. We’re almost done beating Germany into the dust. It is such a wonderful feeling, to know that America has won—or will win—and to know that I helped, I am part of it. I will be home in time to plant the crops this year, I am sure. By then the flowers will be blooming, the grass will be lush and green. We can plant the garden together. And we can put our clean clothes out on the line to dry in the spring breezes. The hens will hatch their chicks and…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 7

Winter passed slowly for Margie. She found that she could manage more of the farm work, and Eva was teaching her how to keep the farmhouse clean and do all the things that were needed on a farm. Margie grew to love the farm even more. She went out to help Avery every evening with barn chores. He showed her how to milk the cow, Lovely. She remembered Lee introducing her to the farm animals. “You named a cow Lovely?” He laughed. “Yes, I did.” “Why?” “I don’t know, I really have no idea. It is a crazy name, I…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 6

Sometimes the loneliness was too much for Margie. The large echoing house was too big for her. Out of desperation she would write letters to her parents, but she never sent them. They were letter of misery and boredom—she knew that if her parents found out how unhappy she was, they would demand that she return home. No, she would wait here for Lee to come back. It wasn’t her marriage that she regretted, she still loved Lee—it was his departure she hated. It was after Pearl Harbor when it started. He was not happy being at the farm. Margie…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 5

Margaret lived alone, in the old stone house, and no one came to visit. She went out every morning to feed the chickens and milk the cow. During the day she would weed the garden and tidy up the house. And in the evening she sat and stared at the fire until it died away into blackness, and then she would go to bed. It was true, when she was younger she had friends, there was Loise, and Sophie, they were once good friends. But Loise went away to Berlin, with her husband. Although Sophie still lived in the village,…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 4

It was a very quiet and small wedding. Lee knew Margie wasn’t used to their country weddings, and the neighbors wouldn’t know what to make of Margie. And so although Margie was married, and officially part of the community, she hardly knew any of the people. “Lee, your mother mentioned that there is an ice cream social in town next week. Will we go?” “Do you want to?”
 “Yes, I want to meet your neighbors, the people you know. They will be my friends now.” “It is different from what you know.” “Yes, but I can adjust. It will be…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 3

He wondered about Margie. Her letter didn’t seem quite right. Something about the tone of it, didn’t seem like Margie. Perhaps she was just worried about him. Perhaps she was lonely. Perhaps…he tried not to think about it too much. Margie was his Margie, and she would always be there for him. Margie, his Margie, she followed him faithfully from the city, she didn’t even consider not going back to his home—of course she would move the country, that’s where Lee wanted to be, and so that’s where she would be. “Whatcha doing, mister?” a girlish voice called. Lee quickly…

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Meeting Margaret, Chapter 2

“Nikolaus, please don’t leave, don’t go away now,” Margaret cried, wrapping her arms around him. “Margie, it is for our country, it is for Germany, it is for the Fatherland. Otherwise they will come and take our land, they will take away everything that we know.” “But I want you with me, I will be left alone,” she pleaded. “Kneel down,” he said. “Feel this,” he put his hands on the earth. “This is our land, this is ours.  If we let the British and the Russians, and the Americans win, this will be gone. Be brave, Margie, for our…

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