I spent the last week in Lakeshore, MS with the Lakeshore Project. Both last year and this year I was part of the media team and managed the blog for the week. You can check it out here if you’re interested. Anyways, that experience made me realize how much I’ve missed blogging in the past few months! And since a lot of the posts I did included photos, I decided to expand my horizons here and do some photo blogging! So, this will be the story of my Lakeshore adventure in pictures : )
Last Saturday I arrived at the O’Hare airport around 11am, and was delayed until 9pm. So I spent the afternoon with Thomas Watson!
After spending Saturday night at the Houston airport (not much fun!) I had a beautiful flight to New Orleans on Sunday morning.
It was quite cold at Lakeshore for most of the week.
I kept checking the forecast and tried to focus on the warmer temperatures to come!
The major construction project of the week was working on the Lakeshore Baptist church building. They were able to get all 4 of the columns up.
The church sanctuary
Because of the cold weather the construction crew kept a small fire going all day near the church building site.
Hanging out with a friend from Pennsylvania! It was suggested that I not make this comment on the official Lakeshore blog, so I will do so here: Please appreciate the Doctor Who scarf which was very useful given the freezing weather!
My bunk, which was very warm, and consequently my favorite place to blog during the week.
It was great to spend the week with some friends I don’t get to see often!
This is the ministry team, which I also helped with for most of the week. We would go out to nearby neighborhoods distributing church invitations and gospel tracts.
The last morning at Lakeshore began with torrential rains, then the sun came out and it began warming up. I left around 10am and it was already in the mid 60’s.
After arriving back in Rockford I celebrated my return to the arctic with a cinnamon dolce latte!
After returning from Lakeshore I started reading The Valley of Vision, this is an excerpt from the first poem.