I am a bit swamped with homework today, trying to finish everything today so I don’t start next week behind. So instead of an actual blog post, I thought I’d share some photos as a visual summary of my week : )

My week has involved a lot of chemistry. I still have about an hour of studying left to do, I’m just taking a break to write this post : )

In my spare time I’ve been watching the TV series, Broadchurch. With the 10th Doctor and Rory (David Tennant and Arthur Darvill) it is a great show for Doctor Who fans! It is a modern murder mystery series, with David Tennant as the lead detective. Definitely a different kind of role for him, but he’s very good at playing a brooding, troubled man obviously struggling with the weight of his past. While he often lacks common politeness, there’s something about him that redeems his brusque behavior and leaves the viewer empathizing with him.

We’re having a very long and cold winter with lots of snow. While I’m ready for spring, there’s some beauty in this winter scenery.

I got bored this week (aka, I was tired of studying) so I decided to make my own mustard bow tie. Because, we all know bow ties are cool! I’ve seen some Doctor Who inspired necklaces with yarn or fabric bows, so my next step will be to figure out what I can actually do with this cute little bow : )