Note to people: If you want me to do something or go somewhere, you must directly ask me. Simply posting links on Facebook will not do it. I have way too much going on, I don’t really pay attention. I’d seen this event a dozen times, but didn’t even consider going until a friend emailed me and asked if I was going. Even if you email me, I might say no, but at least I will think about it.
So my dad and I are going down to Normal on November 17th to IL State U to hear (and see) Tom Woods speak…I’m very excited. We are also staying for the reception afterwards, which should be really great. This event is being sponsored by Campaign for Liberty/Young Americans for Liberty. Here are more details. The speaking event is free so that’s an added bonus. Let me know if you are going. A lot of C4L friends will be there, I’m really looking forward to seeing them again, it has been a long time.